We believe that a strong education from a Biblical Worldview, is essential for all students.
We provide the following to homeschooling families:
Supplemental to Primary Education at home:
Level Up is a supplemental Tutor-led drop-off program for individual homeschooling families. We do not replace primary education, provided by YOU, the parent.
Classes strive to maintain a Biblical Worldview while providing excellent academic education.
We believe:
In the Trinity: God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God & there is no other name by which one can be saved through the work of grace achieved by His crucifixion and resurrection.
Level Up encourages education in conjunction with the Bible, applying scripture throughout our subjects & classes, praying, worshipping, & building Christ-centered character & community.
Our Vision
To uphold Godly character through Biblical foundations & inspire our students to become Christ-honoring leaders.
Our Mission
To provide academic excellence in a safe Christian environment while promoting a family-oriented atmosphere by encouraging unity within the community of like-minded families.
It is the goal of Level Up Homeschool Programs to encourage social fellowship & support while inspiring our youth to grow mentally, emotionally & spiritually.