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General Science
Physical Science


General Science: Marilynn Bonner (click for bio)

This Apologia science course is the first middle school Apologia course in a series. Throughout the course, students will be able to participate in class discussions that will allow them to ask and answer many questions. Students will spend most of their class time participating in hands-on experiments from the textbook that will help them to begin observations, form questions, make predictions, test hypotheses, and analyze results in a laboratory notebook. In the first semester, students will learn the basics of science, including the history of science, the scientific method, scientific inquiry, and how to conduct an experiment. Students will also study the many geologic features found in creation and the effects of a worldwide flood, while examining geologic specimens that include fossils, rocks, minerals as well as Astronomy, Meteorology, and Oceanography. In the second semester, we will study introductions to Chemistry, Physics, Life Science, and Biology. A thorough study of Marine and Environmental Science will then conclude the course.

This course is a basic cumulative overview of what your student has learned (in science) up until this point, with an emphasis on labs and note taking to prepare for High School level sciences.


  • Grade level: 7th & 8th 

  • Homework: 3-4 hours per week

  • Textbook Requirements: (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE NEW 3rd EDITION)

  • Required Purchases:

    • ​Textbook: 3rd edition Apologia textbook, Exploring Creation with General Science by Sherri Seligson Hardcover text ISBN: 978-1946506276 (Some websites offer a softcover text as well)

    • Solutions Guide: 3rd edition Workbook and Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation with General Science by Sherri Seligson ISBN-13: 9781946506283

  • Annual Tuition: $575 (lab fee $50 - paid directly to the Tutor at Orientation)

Earth Science - Shari Kaiser (click for bio)

Click here to learn more about Mrs. Kaiser's courses

The text covers the geosphere (such as core, mantle, crust, etc.), minerals and rocks, then plate tectonics, seismic waves, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Students learn about fossils and how both uniformitarians and catastrophists interpret those fossils. The course explores the properties of water such as polarity, the ability to hydrogen bond, and heat capacity, which leads to a discussion of the hydrologic cycle and residence time, then the waves, currents, and tides in the ocean, and the ice and freshwater reservoirs on the earth. The atmosphere is discussed, including the composition of air, the sections of the atmosphere, temperature gradients, and pollutants, and the weather. The course ends with chapters on the solar system and the universe as a whole.

This college-prep course will include labs and lecture. Students will be expected to complete homework, prepare lab reports and demonstrate their understanding with closed-book tests. The text and course are taught from a Christian perspective. The course requires a substantial amount of work to be done by the student at home. The student is expected to check and correct his/her own homework.

Parents are expected to oversee completion of assignments. The  facilitator will present each module’s concepts, provide in-class lab time, grade tests and lab reports and provide quarterly progress reports.

  • Required online component using Google Classroom:

    • This class is set up to be a fluid mix of in-person and/or remote to work for each student as needed.

    • There will be a weekly in-person class for lecture, lab and review.

    • There will be pre-recorded videos available covering the lecture material, which can be watched if a student misses class for any reason (illness, vacation, etc).

    • All work will be given out and turned in using the online portal Google Classroom.

  • Honors Option

    • There is an Honors option available for this course. Requirements will be explained on the first day of class. Requirements include additional detail in lab reports, and extra work outside the text. Send an email inquiry for questions prior to the start.

  • Required Purchases:

    • Textbook: Discovering Design with Earth Science, ISBN-13: 9780996278430 PubDate 2021

    • Answer Key: ISBN-13: 9780996278447

    • [optional: MP3 Audio CD for auditory learners ISBN: 978-0-9962784-5-4]

  • Annual Tuition: $575 (lab fee $50 - paid directly to the Tutor at Orientation)

Physical Science: Marilynn Bonner (click for bio)

Four modules cover the basics of chemistry, including properties and states of matter, atomic structure and the periodic table, chemical bonds, and reactions and energy. Six modules are dedicated to physics and include the study of motion, forces, energy, light, and electricity and magnetism. Students finish out their year learning about Earth science and completing a project.


This college-prep course will include labs and lecture. Students will be expected to complete homework, prepare lab reports and demonstrate their understanding with closed-book tests. The text and course are taught from a Christian perspective. The course requires a substantial amount of work to be done by the student at home. The student is expected to check and correct his/her own homework. Parents are expected to oversee completion of assignments. The facilitator will present each module’s concepts, provide in-class lab time, grade tests and lab reports and provide quarterly progress reports.

  • Required online component using Google Classroom:

    • This class is set up to be a fluid mix of in-person and/or remote to work for each student as needed.

    • There will be a weekly in-person class for lecture, lab and review. 

    • There will be pre-recorded videos available covering the lecture material, which can be watched if a student misses class for any reason (illness, vacation, etc).

    • All work will be given out and turned in using the online portal Google Classroom.

  • Required Purchases:

    • Textbook: Exploring Creation with Physical Science ISBN-13: 9781940110141 (4th Edition)

      • Audiobook option available auditory learners: click here (optional)

    • Course Guide & Answer Key + Tests: ISBN-13: 9781940110400

  • Course Credit: 1 credit of Science with lab

  • Annual Tuition: $575 (lab fee $50 - paid directly to the Tutor at Orientation)

Biology: Shari Kaiser (click for bio)

Click here to learn more about Mrs. Kaiser's courses

Modules cover atoms, chemical structures, ecosystems, biomes, ecological communities, cell structure and function, cellular energy, DNA, proteins, cell cycles, and genetics (including inheritance, disorders, and technology). Students will also learn about prokaryotes, viruses, protists, fungi, and the fascinating worlds of plants and animals.

This college-prep course will include labs and lecture. Students will be expected to complete homework, prepare lab reports and demonstrate their understanding with closed-book tests. The text and course are taught from a Christian perspective. The course requires a substantial amount of work to be done by the student at home. The student is expected to check and correct his/her own homework. Parents are expected to oversee completion of assignments. The facilitator will present each module’s concepts, provide in-class lab time, grade tests and lab reports and provide quarterly progress reports.

  • Required online component using Google Classroom:

    • This class is set up to be a fluid mix of in-person and/or remote to work for each student as needed.

    • There will be a weekly in-person class for lecture, lab and review. 

    • There will be pre-recorded videos available covering the lecture material, which can be watched if a student misses class for any reason (illness, vacation, etc.).

    • All work will be given out and turned in using the online portal Google Classroom.

  • Honors Option

    • There is an Honors option available for this course. Requirements will be explained on the first day of class. Requirements include additional detail in lab reports, and extra work outside the text. Send an email inquiry for questions prior to the start.

  • Required Purchases:

    • Textbook: Exploring Creation with Biology  ISBN-13: 9781946506450 (3rd Edition) 

    • Solutions Guide: ISBN-13: 9781946506467

      • [optional: MP3 Audio CD for auditory learners, ISBN-13: 9781946506498]

  • Course Credit: 1 credit of Science with lab

  • Annual Tuition: $575 (lab fee $50 - paid directly to the Tutor at Orientation)

Chemistry: Shari Kaiser (click for bio)

Click here to learn more about Mrs. Kaiser's courses

This course covers fundamental aspects of chemistry such as the classification of matter, atomic structure, spectroscopy, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, physical change, chemical change, stoichiometry, solutions, ideal gases, acid/base chemistry, reduction/oxidation reactions, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, and chemical equilibrium. Weaving together concepts and their mathematical applications, the course teaches students how to think as a chemist so they can analyze the major changes that occur in matter.

This college-prep course will include labs and lecture. Students will be expected to complete homework, prepare lab reports and demonstrate their understanding with closed-book tests. The text and course are taught from a Christian perspective. The course requires a substantial amount of work to be done by the student at home. The student is expected to check and correct his/her own homework. Parents are expected to oversee completion of assignments. The facilitator will present each module’s concepts, provide in-class lab time, grade tests and lab reports and provide quarterly progress reports.

  • Math Prerequisite: successful completion of Algebra 1 (no exceptions)

  • Required online component using Google Classroom:

    • This class is set up to be a fluid mix of in-person and/or remote to work for each student as needed.

    • There will be a weekly in-person class for lecture, lab and review. 

    • There will be pre-recorded videos available covering the lecture material, which can be watched if a student misses class for any reason (illness, vacation, etc).

    • All work will be given out and turned in using the online portal Google Classroom.

  • Honors Option

    • There is an Honors option available for this course. Requirements will be explained on the first day of class. Requirements include additional detail in lab reports, and extra work outside the text. Send an email inquiry for questions prior to the start.

  • Required Purchases:

    • Textbook: Discovering Design with Chemistry ISBN: 978-0-9962784-6-1 Publ date: 2015 

    • Solutions Guide: ISBN #: 978-0-9962784-7-8

    • Required Supplies: Text, Solutions Guide, and scientific calculator (parentheses and scientific notation)

    • [Optional: MP3 Audio CD for auditory learners, ISBN: 9780996278485]

  • Course Credit: 1 credit of Science with lab

  • Annual Tuition: $575 (lab fee $50 - paid directly to the Tutor at Orientation)

Physics: Shari Kaiser (click for bio)

Click here to learn more about Mrs. Kaiser's courses

This course provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general physics. Heavily emphasizing vector analysis, this text is ideal preparation for a university-level physics course. It provides the student with a strong background in one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion, Newton’s laws and their application, gravity, work and energy, momentum, periodic motion, waves, optics, electrostatics, electrodynamics, electrical circuits, and magnetism.

  • Prerequisites:

    • Algebra I: Basic trig functions are also required but will be taught in class as needed.

    • Must have completed Chemistry with a final score of 80% or higher.

  • Required online component using Google Classroom:

    • This class is set up to be a fluid mix of in-person and/or remote to work for each student as needed.

    • There will be a weekly in-person class for lecture, lab and review. 

    • There will be pre-recorded videos available covering the lecture material, which can be watched if a student misses class for any reason (illness, vacation, etc).

    • All work will be given out and turned in using the online portal Google Classroom.

  • Honors Option

    • There is an Honors option available for this course. Requirements will be explained on the first day of class. Requirements include additional detail in lab reports, and extra work outside the text. Send an email inquiry for questions prior to the start.

  • Recommended: Chemistry, strong math skills and established study habits.

    • This college-prep course will include labs and lecture. Students will be expected to complete homework, prepare lab reports and demonstrate their understanding with closed-book tests. The text and course are taught from a Christian perspective. The course requires a substantial amount of work to be done by the student at home. The student is expected to check and correct his/her own homework. Parents are expected to oversee completion of assignments. The facilitator will present each module’s concepts, provide in-class lab time, grade tests and lab reports and provide quarterly progress reports.

  • Required Purchases:

    • Textbook: Discovering Design with Physics, by Dr Jay L Wile, published by Berean Builders, ISBN# 979-8-9852529-8-9

    • Solutions Guide: named “Answer Key & Tests”: ISBN #: 979-8-9852529-9-6

    • [Optional: MP3 Audio CD for auditory learners, ISBN-13: 979-8-9858072-9-5

  • Course Credit: 1 credit of Science with lab

  • Available: Juniors & Seniors with prerequisites attained

  • Annual Tuition: $575 (lab fee $50 - paid directly to the Tutor at Orientation)

Advanced Biology: The Human Body - Anatomy and Physiology: Lynn Pierre Jones, Jr., P.T. (click for bio)

This course will include labs and lecture. Students will be expected to prepare lab reports and demonstrate their understanding of covered concepts with closed-book tests. Consistent attendance is required. The text and course are taught from a Christian perspective. This course requires a substantial amount of work to be done by the student at home. The student is expected to check and correct his/her own homework. Parents will be expected to oversee completion of homework and at-home tests. The facilitator will present each module’s concepts, provide in-class lab time, grade tests and lab reports and provide progress reports. Late homework is not accepted in this class.

This advanced biology course covers both the anatomy and physiology of each of the human body’s organ systems. Please note that the reproductive system is covered in detail, including accurate yet respectful illustrations and descriptions. An overview of topics covered includes: histology, integumentary, muscular and skeletal systems, nervous, peripheral and central nervous systems, endocrine and lymphatic systems, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems.

An Honors option is available for this course at no additional cost. Details will be presented on the first day of class.

  • Prerequisites: Biology & Chemistry

  • Required purchases (4 items):

    • Textbook: The Human Body (Advanced Biology) Student Textbook, 2nd Edition, hardcover by: Rachael Yunis, Marilyn M. Shannon, Apologia Educational Ministries ISBN# 9781935495727 (2nd Edition), Publication date: 2013;

    • Solutions Guide: The Human Body (Advanced Biology), Solutions & Test Book, 2nd Edition, softcover

    • Apologia Educational Ministries: ISBN # 9781935495970

    • Kaplan Anatomy Coloring Book, sixth edition: ISBN # 9781506208527

    • Coloring pencils to use with coloring book

    • Optional purchase: Audio Text on MP3 CD ISBN-13: 978-1-940110-37-0 (recommended for auditory learners) 

  • Course Credit: 1 credit of Science with lab

  • Available: Juniors and Seniors with prerequisites attained.

  • Annual Tuition: $575 (lab fee $50 - paid directly to the Tutor at Orientation)

Health & Nutrition: Lynn Pierre Jones, Jr., P.T. (click for bio)

Click here to learn more from Mr. Jones

This homeschool high school health and nutrition curriculum explores the physical, social, mental, and spiritual concepts that are needed for a healthy lifestyle. With detailed illustrations and photos, clear explanations, and enhanced readability, Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition will prepare high school students for college-level studies as well as life beyond the classroom. These objectives will be accomplished through interactive lessons from the textbook taught in the classroom. Students will present orally a personal case study on the subtle influences in their personal life and what they are doing to produce success. This presentation will be as a project in December and another project in May. Students need to complete homework from the textbook on the four weekdays which we do not meet for class. 


From the Apologia website click here: “Please note: Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition is a full health textbook for high school. Some students may not be mature enough to discuss some of the topics. The reproductive systems are covered in detail, including accurate, yet respectful, illustrations and descriptions. We respectfully discuss the act of marriage, sexual misconduct, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. We discuss alcohol and drug abuse, depression, pornography and other topics that also require maturity. Please use your knowledge of your students to decide when this homeschool health and nutrition high school course is appropriate for their maturity levels.”


If there is a topic you would prefer your student not cover in this class, the syllabus will alert you of the topics and days it will be covered.  Students will not be penalized in their grades if they miss that portion of the curriculum, as long as the parent communicates with the tutor prior to missing a module.  


  • Course Text for Semesters 1 & 2: Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition (God’s Design for Your Body, Mind, and Soul) Basic set which is the hardcover text and spiral notebook.

    • You will not need the answer key. 

    • ISBN-10: 1940110343

    • ISBN-13: 978-1940110349

  • Course Credit: 1 Science OR Elective Credit

  • Available: Open to all high school grades 9th & up

  • Annual Tuition: $575

Earth Science
Advanced Biology
Health & Nutrition
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Tutorials Science

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